CAEP Plus Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Grant 

  1. Grant Applicant Details
  2. Contact Details
  3. Cultural Details
  4. Who Should We Contact
  5. Grant Applicant Consent & Declaration
  6. CAEP Plus Eligibility
  7. ​Allied Health Professional Details and Declaration
  8. CAEP Plus Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Grant Eligibility
  9. Details of Air Conditioner and Installation Request
  10. Quote 1
  11. Quote 2
  12. Grant Funding Requested
  13. Upload Documents

CAEP Plus Grants Program

CAEP Plus Online Application Forms

Please note that the online application form cannot be saved as a draft. Please ensure you have all information ready to go for your CAEP Plus grant application submission including copies of supporting documents ready to upload.​​

​​​CAEP Plus Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Grant Supporting Documents:

  • Confirmation of Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Conditions is provided.
  • Copies of TWO itemised quotes for air conditioning and installation.
  • A diagram or plan of the house/room where the air conditioner and external condenser unit will be installed is provided.
  • Where applicable a copy of the property owner/property manager’s signed approval for the installation of air conditioning is provided.


Grant Applicant Details